Creating new possibilities
for being together

Imagine leverages the tools of storytelling, theatre, and creative multimedia to transform community culture and enhance opportunities for learning, connection, and development.

We utilize the arts to expand access for diverse communities to imagine and create a more just, equitable, and joyful reality. Through theatre and interactive performances, we invite participants to imagine new and greater possibilities for embodying the “beloved community”. We use creativity to spark discovery and flourishing in multigenerational communities— businesses, nonprofits, academic institutions, schools, community-based organizations and faith-based entities.

Program Highlights

  • Safa's Story

    A live-theatre bullying prevention program for 4th-6th grade based on an interactive play designed to create dialogue and ally action.

    More about Safa’s Story

  • Zion's Story

    Our newest program, Zion’s Story, is a creative and interactive human trafficking prevention and awareness program for middle and high school youth, families, and communities.

    More about Zion’s Story

Invest in the future

This current season for our city, nation, and world is full of challenges. The lessons we at Imagine are learning—some inspiring, some difficult—have all served to make us more convinced of the importance of this work and more determined than ever to persist in bridging divides, cultivating love, and laying the foundations for wellbeing, especially for our future generations. We this truly is a critical moment. Will you join us in working to make a difference?

Our methods

Creative Community Conversations


Intentional group activities to engage a topic, build community connections, inspire curiosity, cultivate joy and trust—essential ingredients for growth and discovery

Forum Theatre


A unique interactive performance based on real experiences and focusing on a character who experiences conflict or oppression. Following the drama, participants are invited to reflect on the story and to role-play alternative choices toward advocacy and allyship.

Interview Theatre


A performance—based on real-life interviews—that uses the verbatim words of individuals to explore a specific topic, aggregate perspectives on the topic and share it with a broad audience.

Playback Theatre


An original improvisational method that allows a group to hear community stories told on the spot about a specific topic; then participants watch the story replayed by an acting and music ensemble for the purpose of discovery, healing or meaning-making.

“Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our future, rather than just waiting for it.”

– Augusto Boal

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